Programme rétinoblastome en Afrique subsaharienne

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Orateurs :
Auteurs :
Pierre Bey
Karim Assani
Pascal Sirignano
Nathalie Cassoux 1
Dr Paule Aïda NDOYE ROTH
F Sylla
Rokia Berete
Fousseyni Traore
Tags :


AMCC is a non profit organisation which is the french branch of INCTR .In 2011 we started a programm to improve the care for retinoblastoma in subsaharan Africa supported by Sanofi Espoir Foundation The First retinoblastoma center was created in Mali in Bamako with Fatou Syla and Fousseyni Traore The following years the programm was implemented in Lubumbashi, Dakar, Abidjan and Antananarive. At the end of the programm in 2018 we could demonstrate improvment of survival for intraocular retinoblastoma in Mali.( Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2018)We have now started a new programm for french and english speaking countries supported by a swiss foundation.

Patients et Methodes

The program is supporting early diagnosis actions, training of physicians, equipment, and offers an common protocol and database. For early diagnosis we propose a diffusion of a short video on leukokoria in social medias and intensification of lectures for professionnels working with babies .Training of physicians is offered for variable period according to the need and are at the moment in Paris , London and Barcelona but will be in the future in African hospitals. 


Results aim to obtain 70% cure rate of retinoblastoma in five years

The common data base will allow us to follow the improvment of care for retinoblastoma.


Africa has a high number of cases due to the high birth rate. Continued efforts for early diagnosis and proper treatment should improve survival rate in the near future.


retinoblastoma can be cured if diagnosed early and treated promptly